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Muddy Boots

Muddy Boots wanders where sneakers never will, moving on the back roads through the backwoods and to the forgotten cracks of our imagination. Tune in to hear a patchwork of sound, snippet, and song; field recordings from wherever, the random whimsical, and the rare, and not-so-rare.

Jul 24, 2017

A Side: Life, at times, can sure be tough. Any number of things can spiral us downward, from the passing of friends or family, to economic hardship, the wrath of politics, loneliness, or maybe you just stubbed your toe. Whatever the reason, it happens. Host Troubled Voyage Tenali invites us to channel such feelings...

Jul 24, 2017

B Side: Life, at times, can sure be tough. Any number of things can spiral us downward, from the passing of friends or family, to economic hardship, the wrath of politics, loneliness, or maybe you just stubbed your toe. Whatever the reason, it happens. Host Troubled Voyage Tenali invites us to channel such feelings...