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Muddy Boots

Muddy Boots wanders where sneakers never will, moving on the back roads through the backwoods and to the forgotten cracks of our imagination. Tune in to hear a patchwork of sound, snippet, and song; field recordings from wherever, the random whimsical, and the rare, and not-so-rare.

Feb 17, 2020

'Itty-Bits #3: Aleister Crowley' originally aired on the show A Word In Edgewise, June 10th 2014, on KVMR community radio station in Nevada City, CA. The show is a strange sonic tapestry of music and spoken word for the culturally marginalized elite. In short, it’s 'storytime for grownups'. This piece - taken from Part II of a two part series - was one of eleven musically guided readings of peculiar weirdos throughout history. The text is taken from the graphic novel “The Big Book of Weirdos” by Gahan Wilson. It’s read by Jerome Hansen with sound design by Tenali.