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Muddy Boots

Muddy Boots wanders where sneakers never will, moving on the back roads through the backwoods and to the forgotten cracks of our imagination. Tune in to hear a patchwork of sound, snippet, and song; field recordings from wherever, the random whimsical, and the rare, and not-so-rare.

Jun 18, 2021

Spirit Walk With Me

Garden of Earthly Insights, Episode II

by Kristen C. Blinne


Spirit walk with us, following the calling of our hearts, awakening to our potential and purpose as we return home to this time that is not a time, in this place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day - between the worlds - earth and sky, our higher selves and beyond. May these sounds wash over us like the passing caress of water that keeps flowing as we all must…

